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Trade calls Victoria Prentis out over VI-1 statement

Published:  25 February, 2021

An infuriated wine trade has today delivered an ‘unprecedented’ collective letter to Victoria Prentis MP, calling for the scrapping of VI-1 forms when the easement provision ends on 1 July.


Liberty lands new Spanish agencies

Published:  17 September, 2020

Liberty Wines has boosted its Spanish agencies with the addition of sparkling producer Raventós i Blanc and Dominio do Bibei from Ribeira Sacra to its portfolio.


Sangiovese - can't travel, won't travel?

Published:  14 June, 2019

It’s long been held that the variety behind Chianti Classico is incapable of adapting to anywhere beyond Italian shores, but Australia’s ever resourceful producers are proving this wrong.